It makes sense... and dollars!
Cannabis was legalized in 2017 in every town and city in Massachusetts.
Hundreds of towns (2/3 of the state) have chosen to allow regulated and licensed facilities to operate, including many right next to Burlington.
Leading to millions of dollars in extra tax revenue that helps lower the tax burden on residents...
This is above and beyond any costs to the town, which are billed to the business. These numbers do not include other taxes, which would also be paid.
Frequently Asked Questions:
21% of adults have consumed cannabis in the last 30 days
30% of adults have consumed cannabis in the last year
50% of adults have ever consumed it
Many people in Burlington are using it every day. Give them the freedom to buy it locally and legally.
Source: Massachusetts Department of Health Study
Dispensaries ensure that this legal product is tested, tracked, and sold only to adults 21+ for consumption at home ONLY
- Not on site (just like a package store).
Dispensaries deter the illicit market. Studies done by federal reserve economists have shown a correlation between dispensaries and lower crime rates near them. Source: Not in my backyard? Not so fast. The effect of marijuana legalization on neighborhood crime.
All dispensaries would have their plans reviewed by the local police department, planning board, and the state cannabis control commission.
Can not be within buffer zone (500 ft. state minimum - 1,000 foot proposed by town meeting) of parks, schools, or other areas where children congregate.
There would be a maximum of 2 allowed - If town meeting passes subsequent zoning articles.
Only allowed in designated commercial zones determined with input from the planning board and other departments and only after extensive review.
Review would include parking, traffic, and operational plans approved by the town among many other requirements.
"Studies showed a positive correlation, with buildings located closer to a dispensary having better values. It looks similar to being close to a coffee shop, which most people see as a benefit.”’ – Michele Lerner of
Source: Do marijuana shops drive down home values?